
4 Simple steps how to declutter your home

We live in a very busy environment. Everything is happening so fast, and sometimes we don’t take enough time to think about the space we live in or mostly spend time in. Our home is a great reflection of state we are currently in. Not only we don’t take time to think about the details in our home, but we also often keep things that don’t necessarily make us feel good nor are useful to us. What does this do to our daily routine and our state of mind?

What is cluttering?

To clutter means cover or fill (something) with an untidy collection of things. The word collection tells us everything. Its a collection of things we mostly don’t need, or don’t have any special value in our hearts. So basically it means we keep things that aren’t relevant to us or our wellbeing, but also take a lot of our energy to process around them.

Home as a reflection of our mind

Every corner of our home is a reflection of our mind. It is a direct expression of where we are emotionally and psycho-spiritually. When we are feeling distracted, we often lose things. If we are disorganized, things just start to pile up on certain areas, not only physically, but also mentally. We feel displeased, anxious and don’t even know why. Every corner of our home is a direct expression of who we are within, the areas that concern or bother us. Seeing the clutter around certain places in our home makes us feel imbalanced and disconnected.

How to remove clutter from your home

So…. You want a clutter free home? If you read so far, I guess you do.  The good news is, it’s totally doable, it just takes a little organization and a bit of kicking that habits of yours.

I recommend few steps to start with:

1. Start small

The easiest way to start is to get rid of things that you really don’t need or ever used and don’t feel that cosy feeling when you see them. For example, expired warranties, old batteries, old keys, … These are also the things you feel less attached to. Come on, you got this, step by step, to a clutter free home.

Always find what you are searching for.

2. It’s all about organizing

Everything in your home should have its purpose and it’s place. Not only is this more convenient, but is also less time consuming while searching for certain things. Just think about it… Where did I put those batteries again? Oh, yes, they are always in the same drawer and guess what, all of them are working! What a relief. Joke on the side, it is also convenient to put similar thing together, for example books, shoes, accessories, … each category at its own place.

3. Dealing with sentiment attachment

Clutter free home doesn’t mean you have to get rid of all of your stuff, not at all. Things that matter are there to stay, but don’t get too sentimental about things you were given to on an occasion or you might use in the future. We often keep things that we might use or we think what will my sister think if I give her present away? If it doesn’t burst out a nice memory, a fuzzy feeling or you aren’t using it at all, it never will. It’s better to make room for new things that will.

4. Feeling bad when throwing things away

If you feel bad throwing things away, there are many options. You can either sell them, take them to centres with certain purpose or maybe give them to someone, if you think it would be useful for them. Heck, you can even recycle and make some really awesome pieces out of it. But remember, don’t keep it there just for collection. 😉

Source 1 | Source 2

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